100 Useful Spanish verbs with examples

spanish verbs

In this blog post, we will list 100 useful Spanish verbs along with examples. Knowing how to use verbs correctly is essential to speaking and writing in Spanish. So, whether you are a beginner or an intermediate Spanish learner, this list will come in handy!

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Here are 100 useful Spanish verbs with examples:

Abrir (to open) – Abrí la puerta. (I opened the door.)

Admitir (to admit) – Admitió que estaba equivocado. (He admitted he was wrong.)

Alegar (to allege) – No puedo alegar más. (I can’t argue any more.)

Anunciar (to announce) – Los actores anunciaron su retiro del elenco. (The actors announced their retirement from the cast.)

Apagar (to turn off) – Apagué la luz. (I turned off the light.)

Aplaudir (to applaud) – Aplaudió el éxito de su compañero. (He applauded his colleague’s success.)

Arrepentirse (to repent) – Arrepintió haber roto con ella. (He regretted breaking up with her.)

Asistir (to attend, to be present at) – Asistí a la fiesta anoche. (I attended the party last night.)

Bailar (to dance) – Bailaron hasta altas horas de la noche. (They danced until late into the night.)

Banquetear (to banquet) – Los políticos banquetean a costa del erario público. (Politicians banquet at the expense of the public purse.)

Cerrar (to close) – Cerré la puerta. (I closed the door.)

Comenzar (to begin) – Comencé mi discurso con una broma. (I began my speech with a joke.)

Comprometerse (to get engaged, to get married) – Se comprometieron el mes pasado. (They got engaged last month.)

Continuar (to continue) – Continuaremos este proyecto hasta que esté terminado. (We will continue this project until it is finished.)

Creer (to believe) – Creo que eres tú. (I think it’s you.)

Criticar (to criticize) – Criticaron su decisión de abandonar el proyecto. (They criticized his decision to quit the project.)

Decidir (to decide) – Decidí no ir a la fiesta. (I decided not to go to the party.)

Declarar (to declare) – El abogado declaró ante el tribunal. (The lawyer testified in court.)

Describir (to describe) – La policía describió al sospechoso como un hombre alto y delgado. (The police described the suspect as a tall, thin man.)

Desear (to desire) – Deseo que estés bien. (I hope you’re well.)

Dormir (to sleep) – Dormí toda la tarde. (I slept all afternoon.)

Encontrar (to find) – Encontré el libro en el armario. (I found the book in the closet.)

Entender (to understand) – No entiendo por qué te molesta. (I don’t understand why it bothers you.)

Escribir (to write) – Escribí una carta a mi abuela. (I wrote a letter to my grandmother.)

Estar (to be) – Estoy en casa. (I am at home.)

Exigir (to demand, to require) – Exigió una disculpa por el retraso. (He demanded an apology for the delay.)

Experimentar (to experience) – Experimentaron un terremoto de magnitud siete. (They experienced an earthquake of magnitude seven.)

Ganar (to win) – Ganaron la lotería. (They won the lottery.)

Gritar (to shout, to yell) – Gritó su inocencia. (He shouted his innocence.)

Guardar (to keep, to save) – Guardé mi dinero en el banco. (I saved my money in the bank.)

Hablar (to speak) – Habló con rapidez. (He spoke quickly.)

Informar (to inform) – Informaron de un cambio en el plan. (They informed us of a change in the plan.)

Jalar (to pull) – Jaló la puerta para abrirla. (He pulled the door open.)

Lanzar (to throw) – Lanzó la pelota al niño. (He threw the ball to the child.)

Lastimar (to hurt) – Me lastimé el tobillo. (I hurt my ankle.)

Llorar (to cry) – Lloró por su perro muerto. (He cried for his dead dog.)

Mantener (to maintain, to keep up) – Mantengo una buena relación con mis vecinos. (I maintain a good relationship with my neighbors.)

Marchar (to march) – La multitud marchó hacia el palacio de gobierno. (The crowd marched towards the government palace.)

Mezclar (to mix) – Mezcló los ingredientes para hacer la torta. (He mixed the ingredients to make the cake.)

Morir (to die) – Murió en el accidente. (She died in the accident.)

Nadar (to swim) – Nadé por unos minutos. (I swam for a few minutes.)

Negar (to deny, to say no to) – Negó haber cometido el crimen. (He denied having committed the crime.)

Olvidarse (to forget) – Se olvidó de pagar las cuentas. (He forgot to pay the bills.)

Pagar (to pay) – Pagó el restaurante con tarjeta de crédito. (He paid the restaurant with a credit card.)

Pensar (to think) – Pensé que era una buena idea. (I thought it was a good idea.)

Permitir (to allow, to permit) – No permite fumar en el edificio. (He does not allow smoking in the building.)

Pintar (to paint) – Pinto las paredes de mi casa. (I am painting the walls of my house.)

Preferir (to prefer) – Prefiero quedarme en casa. (I prefer to stay at home.)

Preparearse para (to prepare for) – Se preparó para la entrevista. (She prepared for the interview.)

Presentarse (to introduce oneself) – Se presentó a sí mismo como un candidato presidencial. (He introduced himself as a presidential candidate.)

Preguntar (to ask) – Pregunté por el camino. (I asked for directions.)

Quedarse (to stay) – Quedamos en el hotel. (We stayed at the hotel.)

Recordar (to remember) – Recordé su nombre de inmediato. (I immediately remembered his name.)

Responder (to answer) – Respondió mi pregunta de inmediato. (He immediately answered my question.)

Robar (to steal) – Robó una bicicleta. (He stole a bicycle.)

Sacudir (to shake) – Sacudió la mano de su amigo. (He shook his friend’s hand.)

Satisfacer (to satisfy) – No estoy satisfecho con el trabajo. (I am not satisfied with the work.)

Sentarse (to sit down) – Nos sentamos en el parque. (We sat down in the park.)

Ser (to be) – Soy un maestro. (I am a teacher.)

Servir para/a (to serve for) – Este plato sirve para cuatro personas. (This dish serves four people.)

Soplar (to blow) – Sopló las velas de la tarta. (He blew out the candles on the cake.)

Tomar (to take, to drink) – Tomé un vaso de agua. (I took a glass of water.)

Trabajar (to work) – Trabajo en una fábrica. (I work in a factory.)

Traer (to bring) – Trajo el desayuno a la cama. (He brought breakfast to bed.)

Unirse a (to join) – Se unió a la revolución. (He joined the revolution.)

Usar (to use) – Usé mi computadora para hacer la tarea. (I used my computer to do the homework.)

Utilizar (to utilize) – Utiliza el aceite de oliva para cocinar. (She uses olive oil to cook.)

Viajar por/en/a (to travel by/in/on) – Viaja por avión. (He travels by plane.)

Volar (to fly) – Volé de Madrid a Nueva York. (I flew from Madrid to New York.)

Volverse/ convertirse en (to become) – Se volvió loco. (He went crazy.)

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